Briggs is a Seattle, Washington native. Previous to the publication
of his first book by Black Heron Press, Matt was a reservist
who served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Active in small
press and independent publishing since 1990's, Matt has been
involved with The Anchovy Review and The Raven Chronicles. He
has also given workshops on independent publishing.
In 1999, a collection of linked stories called "The Remains of River Names" was
published Black Heron Press. In 2002, he published "Misplaced Alice" with
String Town Press who would also publish "The Moss Gatherers" in 2005.
September of 2005 seen Matt's first publication on semantikon, his piece "A
Fifth of July", part of our American Canons edition. His first novel, "Shoot
the Buffalo", was published by Clear Cut Press in the same year, a work
selected for a American Book Award in 2006. In Spring of 2008, Final State will
publish Matt’s new short story collection, "The End is the Beginning" In
Fall 2008, they will also publish "The Strong Man: Confessions of a Bacon
Smuggler". Featured here, exclusive excerpts from both forthcoming books,
plus, an unabridged version of Matt's essay "Pacific Highway South: Best
American Strip City" along with audio of Matt reading from his short story