*About semantikon.com

The Site:
Semantikon.com is an independent arts journal established in 2003 by a collective of artists, designers, IT professionals and educators. A new edition of the website launches the first Sunday of each month, and features contemporary literature, visual art, films, performance art, and commentary. In addition to our monthly features, semantikon’s publishing house, Three Fools Press, publishes broadside posters for each site feature, as well orginal e-books we creative commons license (both available for users to download and enjoy for free).

The Operation: Semantikon.com + Three Fools Press
In addition to our regular offering of literature, art and film, semantikon also features free e-books, broadside posters and publishes and designs the semantikon annual review—a fundraiser. Wait a minute…

     Why publish a book as a fundraiser?
* semantikon + Three Fool Press are independent
* semantikon + Three Fools Press are not-for-profit
* semantikon + Three Fools Press do not buy, or sell ad space
* semantikon + Three Fools Press does not hold copyright (the artists do, and should)

A Community Based Arts Journal…
semantikon.com (and three fools press) works because people come to visit the site, people offer feedback about the site, people submit works to the site, and artists talk about their experiences on the site with others. This is all done by word-of-mouth bringing 7-10K visitors to semantikon each month.

In addition to people helping the semantikon space—there are some other things we do to make sure that semantikon stays fresh—we invite former features back to guest edit an edition of the site. We also invite them to keep us in the loop about artists in their communities via our community news program.

Submit Works: (Today)
semantikon maintains an open submission policy, if you would like to submit works, please visit the semantikon.com submission page. If you know a visual artist, a writer, a film maker who should, or would like to get their work out more often, send them to: www.semantikon.com/submissions.htm

* Some uncommon benefits of your works being featured on semantikon
* semantikon will work closely with you to develop a representative body of works for the feature
* semantikon doesn’t have “taste” or “style”, we just love to see people doing their own work
* semantikon will not ask you to give up your copyright, we just need a release publish the works
* semantikon will promote your works via this blog, the semantikon website, our web-based tv station, the website RSS feed, and through electronic broadside posters
* semantikon provides free server space for our former features to use to archive their works in the event of an emergency
* semantikon will provide you with a “yourname@semantikon.com” email address if you want it
* semantikon staff will help you learn to use, or, find technology resource materials useful in web or other publishing formats
* semantikon staff will be available to help you with advice and insights about publishing, new media technologies, promotional, and legal matters

Critical Acclaim:
For publishing up-and-coming artists, as well as award winning artists; semantikon has garnered citations and awards for its efforts to create an artist focused journal of contemporary arts.